Space | Planetary Research

Explore new horizons – planetary research with SAR and GPR

Getting to the bottom of things: find water beneath the surface of Mars, locate ice layers on the south pole of Moon and measure surface structures even through gas atmospheres which cannot be displayed by optical systems. The Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Ground Penetration Radar (GPR) technology enables researchers to delve deeper into new worlds.


Measuring the planet's surface

By scanning the planet's surface or by penetrating surfaces, high-quality two-dimensional images of surfaces as well as measurements and mappings of soil layers can be generated. These provide the basis for valuable geophysical, topographic and geological findings.

RST is your expert when it comes to the development and implementation of radar systems. Get more information under technology.



Selected services of the RST portfolio:

Reference project: PIRA (Planetary Into-the-ground-penetration Radar and Altimeter)

Wide Band Radar at low frequencies (10MHz).

Customer: ESA (European Space Agency)

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Reference project: GINGER (Guidance and Into-the-Ground Exploration Radar)

Development of a Wide Band Radar for the demonstration of a technology for use on planetary rovers. (Center frequencies GPR: 800MHz, NAV: 10GHz)

Customer: ESA (European Space Agency)

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